Sunday, November 25, 2012


Weekly Milage: 26
Next Race: Jingle Bell Run

I am tired.
I have been overeating.
I feel no need to eat.
I am thankful.

Thanksgiving this year was the best one I have had that I can remember.  I hope it was great for you.  Here are some running related thanks:

I'm thankful I can run.
I am thankful I can mentally and physcially outlast many runners on the road.
I am thankful for my competitive nature.  You will NOT beat me!
I am thankful that the races I run benefit great causes.
I am thankful my dad has gotten back into running.

Here's a fun little post off of

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Weekly Mileage:  18
Upcoming Race:  Jingle Bell Run

I am a runner.
I am calm.
I am crabby.
I am running again.

As a seasoned runner, picking up running again after a short break is not as challenging as it can be for others.  After a two week break, I've lost some of the muscle memory but very little of the cardiovascular endurance.  Translation:  It wouldn't be hard for me to pound out 5+ miles in a shot but that would put me in perfect position to get injured.  Running injuries can be some of the most frustrating events, avoid them with all precautions.  Hopefully all injuries will be minor, treatable and short-lived this winter.

Running today helped me to pound out a lot of frustration I have faced in the last couple days.  Running is a great outlet for all kinds of emotions.  In the last three years I can remember laughing so hard I got a side stitch, crying to the point where I could not see, and so feisty I imagine myself punching people I will never meet.  Running is different for everyone, some people run to lose weight or to be fit, I run for so many reasons that those two reasons are just benefits.  My wish for any runner at any level is that they run long enough to reap the emotional benefits of running.

From this Heart of a Runner

"Some people run to see who is the fastest, I run to see who has the most guts." ~Steve Prefontane